Owais Husain: House of Cards | A collaboration with the Fine and Media Arts, LASALLE College of Arts: Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, Praxis Space and Project Space
Past exhibition
29 January - 18 February 2016
House of Cards installation at ICA Singapore, Praxis Space.
There is a Doubt poem and wall installation, House of Cards, ICA Singapore, Praxis Sapce.
House of Cards I, 2015. Multi-media on 13 acrylic and aluminum panels, 8 ft wide x 22 ft long x 8.5 ft high.
House of Cards I, detail.
House of Cards I, detail.
House of Cards I, detail.
Narcisissim of Minor Differences, set of 4 works on paper, installation at ICA Singapore, Praxis Space.
Narcisissim of Minor Differences (V) and (II)
House of Cards installation at ICA Singapore, Project Space.
Untitled, wall painting installation with ink drawings, ICA Singapore Project Space.